ECPR anti-gender prearo
ECPR Joint Sessions
14-17 aprile 2020

Right-Wing Populism, Religion and Gender: Dynamics and Implications

Workshop Number: WS20
Workshop Director: Luca Ozzano – Università degli Studi di Torino
Workshop Co-Director: Julia Mourão Permoser – University of Innsbruck

Right-wing populist parties have been part of the European political landscape for at least 30 years, but recently they have acquired an unprecedented degree of political power and popular support. Also in other parts of the world, such as Brazil and the United States, right-wing populism is on the rise, and with it a particular type of gendered and religiously-infused rhetoric that is specific to the 2010s but cuts across national and even regional contexts. This workshop – endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Religion and Politics and the ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics – proposes to investigate the links between right-wing populism, gender and religion from a multidisciplinary and transnational perspective in order to unveil the causes and implications of these important new dynamics…

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