12th Convention of the Association Française de Science Politique (AFSP)
9 – 11 July 2013

Focus group 32
Supervisors: David Paternotte et Massimo Prearo


Social movements have been widely studied in social and political sciences. As shown by groundbreaking publications by Olivier Fillieule, Christophe Broqua and Jan Willem Duyvendak in France or Dennis Altman, Mary Bernstein and Elizabeth Armstrong in the United States, the study of LGBT mobilisations offers new insights, and enriches the understanding of collective action.
This thematic section examines the circumstances and the causes of recent transformations within lesbian and gay movements. Indeed, thanks to an increasing social debate and a wider recognition by political authorities, these movements have dramatically altered. However, reasons for change are still poorly known, and the mechanisms through which they occur must be explored. Will be studied in detail the processes of autonomisation, institutionnalisation, professionnalisation and transnationalisation of contemporary LGBT movements Through a comparison between France and foreign cases, this thematic section will further define these processes, and contributes to a better understanding of change within social movements.

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