cultures conflits revue prearo

Cultures & Conflits, n. 97/2015
Printemps 2015
p. 77-95

La naissance de la formule «LGBT» en France et en Italie: une analyse comparative des discours de mobilisation

The analysis of the creation of the “LGBT” formula, an activist reference that allowed the emergence of the space of LGBT activism (united and plural), allows us to understand the critical role of discursive strategies in the LGBT collective action. The article proposes a French-Italian bottom-up comparative approach to show that, even though successful international discourses contributed to inform local activist strategies, the configuration of the space of LGBT activism is strongly related to national context and to the activist and political local field. Firstly, the article presents political and historical data to theorize a French model of recognition and an Italian model of political inopportunity. Secondly, the article analyzes the emergence of the LGBT formula during the organization of the first World Pride in 2000, and focuses on the uses and forms of appropriation of the LGBT mobilization discourse in France and in Italy.

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cultures conflits revue prearo